Kapisa: Construction of 5.66 Km road in "Hesa II" district reaches 60% progress

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, Jul 15 2021 11:22 AM
Kapisa: Construction of 5.66 Km road in Hesa II district reaches 60% progress

This 5.66 kilometer-long rigid pavement road project, which extends from Sayed Khan village and connects to the central town of Hesa II district of Kapisa province, is under speedy construction and has reached sixty percent (60%) of overall progress, so far.

The project was contracted between the Ministry of Public Works and the MirJai Khel Local Development Council, which is funded by the Government of Afghanistan.

During the construction of this project, a number of job opportunities have been created for local residents and people are satisfied with the implementation of this project.

With the completion of this road, transportation facilities will be provided and the local population will have easier access to all centers of health, commercial and educational services.

MoPW Media Team-Kabul


1 year 9 months ago


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