Snowfall closes Salang highway for heavy traffic

Sat, Mar 13 2021 6:49 PM

Due to snowfall and avalanches in Panjshir province, the road of the Parian district (Kotal-e-Anjuman) has been closed to traffic, which will be cleaned if the weather is back favorable.
Otherwise, the roads which were being blocked in the Arghanjkhah and Kuhistan districts of Badakhshan province are being cleaned and open for traveling any kind of vehicles. 
On the other hand, the snowfall is still continuing on both sides of the Salang highway. The recorded thickness of snow in the northern part is 25 centimeters and in the southern portion, the thickness is 35 centimeters. However, the highway route is open to small vehicles' transport except for trailer & cargo trucks.

MoPW Media Team – Kabul


1 year 9 months ago


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