Takhar: The Road beyond Kokcha is under speedy-construction 

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, Apr 01 2021 2:26 PM
Construction of Road beyond Kokcha in Takhar is under speedy-progress  

The 144-kilometer road beyond Kokcha is under speedy construction, which connects the port of Ai-Khanum through the districts of Baharak, Khwaja Ghar, Dasht-e Qala, Khwaja Bahauddin, Yangi Qala, and Chah-e-Ab with Taloqan, the capital city of Takhar province.

The road beyond Kokcha is divided into six sections, four of those are under construction and the rest are in the period of planning of the Ministry of Public Works.

The first Lot of the road has reached 21.40% physical progress, that laid between Khwaja Ghar and Dasht-e-Qala districts. This lot is 17-kilometer-long and 7.2-m wide along with fourteen culverts, so far.


The second lot which is starting from Dasht-e-Qala district and ends in Khwaja Bahauddin district is 22.7 km long and 7.2 m wide, with the progress of 29.9% so far.

Lot number three is between Khwaja Bahauddin and the Yangi Qala districts, which hits 49.4% work progress. The length of this portion is just 28.615 kilometer-long, but its width is different. The less dimension of the road is 7.2-meter wide, but somewhere it reaches 20 meters width.




Starting from Yangi Qala district, lot number four of the project reaches 41.72% progress so far; which will connect the Yangi Qala with the Chah Ab district of Takhar providence.
This part of the road has a 27.036-kilometer length and 7.2 m width, along with 55 culverts which are going to be built in different sizes.  The portion is included 2.56 – kilometer long retaining walls too.

The implementation of these projects, which has been designed along with the Kokcha River as a ring road, will lead the whole region to new opportunities for trade and overall development.

This road will highly reduce traffic congestion, facilitating regional connectivity, and will improve the environmental safety of the whole territory.

MoPW Media Team - Kabul


11 months ago


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