Kabul City Ring Road Project

PMU- Directorate of Kabul Ring Road Project




September 2020 up to April 6, 2021


Client:                                                                                                  Funded by:                                                               









  1. Introduction

Kabul City Ring Road Project (KCRRP) is one of the key and vital projects of Government of Afghanistan and Ministry of Public Works (MoPW). This road connects all the four entrances to Kabul City located on four directions and mainly passes through outskirt of Kabul City which helps in reducing the traffic volume inside Kabul City.

Kabul City Ring Road consists of 120 kilometers and the feasibility studies and technical survey of the said project was executed in 2008 by a private company. KCRRP is divided into four following sections:

LOT # 04

LOT # 03

LOT # 02

LOT # 01

This Lot consists of 28 Kilometers and starts from Kabul-Jalalabad Highway and finishes at Kabul-Logar Highway.

This Lot consists of 52 kilometers and starts from Kabul- Mazar-i-Sharif Highway and finishes at Kabul-Jalalabad Highway

This Lot consists of 16 kilometers and starts from Kabul-Qandahar Highway and finishes at Kabul-Mazar-i-Sharif Highway.

This lot consists of 22 kilometers and starts from Kabul-Qandahar Highway and finishes at Kabul-Logar Highway.







  1. Executive Summary

LOT # 01: The fund for this lot has previously been approved by Islamic Development Bank (ISDB) in 2016. The budget allotted for this lot is 110 million USD out of which 74 million USD will be funded by ISDB and the Government of Afghanistan will pay remaining 36 million USD.

After completion of the technical design and approval of ISDB, the said lot was submitted for tender announcement on Dec 8, 2019 but due to some technical problems, the tender was re-announced on March 24, 2020.

On June 27, 2020 the bid opening process took place where 6 companies had participated in Process, Evaluation Committee was assigned to evaluate the bid documents submitted by the companies, and the Evaluation Report that was reviewed by NPA has been submitted to ISDB for final review that is under process

In addition, the selection process for consultancy of supervision of this lot is in progress and out of 33 companies 8 companies fulfilled the requirements and have been shortlisted for further process.


Progress Report:

Installation of bench mark along the road has been started, from total length of first lot of Kabul ring road 8km is governmental land and we have determined this length of road. This part of road is completely ready for construction.

Financial Report:

From effectiveness date of the loan between government of Afghanistan and Islamic development bank (IsDB) we have spent only 26,000 $ for purchasing office equipment like computers, printer, flash, hard disk and PMU Director salaries. The total allotment we have considered for the financial year of 1400 is 5 Million Dollars. If we could award the contract in this year we will spent at least 15 Million Dollars up to end of years.

Land Acquisition Status of LOT # 1:

Ministry of Urban Development and Land is working of land acquisition process and till now 2100 properties has been registered and processed to Municipality of Kabul for pricing of the properties that is still under process. Kabul municipality has finalized the pricing of the properties along 6 km. Kabul municipality completed the pricing of more than 650 houses located along the road and we are working together to hand over the LARP of the project till end of April 4, 2021.  

It is noteworthy that out of 22 KM in this lot around 9 KM is located on Governmental Land, which has helped in expediting the land acquisition process.

As per my site visit from the project on 01-04-2021, we could determine the governmental land, which is ready for construction as below:

From 23+300 up to 27+240, this distance is approximately clean and we can start the construction.

From 30+200 up to 34+00, this distance is governmental land and about 80 houses have been built over this land, Kabul municipality and ministry of urban and land are working to estimate the volume of house for pricing.

The approximate cost of the LARP for whole project is 30 up to 35 Million dollars.

  1. Achievements
  1. The civil work evaluation of lot one has been completed by MPW, reviewed by NPA, and has been sent to ISDB for final review.
  2. We received the NOL of IsDB regarding the civil work of the project but as per instruction of H.E Minister of Public Works we did not concur with the recommendation of the bank, we sent our justification to bank and waiting for the response.
  3. I could finalize the consultancy report and shared with the NPA to send the IsDB for NOL.
  4. We could solve the comments of NPA regarding the consultancy and we will send the report of consultancy by end of current week to IsDB.
  5. Documentation of the project by date and subject has been completed.
  6. Stakeout of the survey points to make sure that we are ready for implementation of project.
  7. Holding meetings with people who are losing their property in land acquisition process.
  8. Participation to meeting regarding expediting the project LARP.
  9. Short-listing the people who has applied for the announced position and waiting for the IsDB NOL.
  10. Re-survey of the project as per design of the project.
  11. Preparing the design and drawings for the site engineers during construction.
  12. Completion of 95 percent of LARP, which is a big achievement in the history of Ministry of Public Works.


  1. Challenges
  1. In Land acquisition process of LOT # 01 the cooperation of Ministry of Urban Development and Kabul Municipality is very weak.
  1. Suggestions:
  1. I would like to get the permission of IsDB regarding the hiring of staff to push and accelerate the activity regarding the project.


1 year 1 month ago
