Periodic maintenance of Aibak-Mazar-e-Sharif highway has began

Anonymous (not verified)
Thu, Jul 15 2021 9:30 AM
Periodic maintenance of Aibak-Mazar-e-Sharif highway has began

Balkh/Samangan: In order to maintain and take care of the national highways, the periodic maintenance of the damaged pavement and culverts of the Aibak-Mazar-e-Sharif public highway began, which is being started from the Traffic intersection up to the Feroz Nakhchir area, on Wednesday.

According to the Ministry of Public Works, the maintenance project of this highway has been contracted between the Ministry of Public Works and a private construction company and is expected to be completed within the next six months.

The fact that the construction cost of transport infrastructure is very high and all of that belongs to the people, so in that context, repairing the Aibak-Mazar-e-Sharif public highway will increase the service life of this road, and will also ensure a safe and sound transit environment for traders, which will play an important role in the economic growth of Afghanistan.

With the completion of this maintenance project, the existing obstacles in the highway will be eradicated, and this will decrease the transit costs of commercial goods’ that's are being transfers from the northern transit ports of Afghanistan and vis-versa.

MoPW Media Team-Kabul



1 year 9 months ago


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