کار اعمار و ساختمان یک محراب مسجد در ولسوالی میوند ولایت کندهار به ارزش بیش از ۳۲ میلیون افغانی جریان دارد

Meeting of the Acting Deputy Minister of Technical Affairs of the Ministry of Public Works with the President of the World Food Program in Afghanistan and the UN Special Representative. . .
Zabul: Ministry of Public Works announced the periodic maintenance and rebuilding of a 6.98-kilometer long road in the Shajoi district of Zabul province, which is a part of the Kabul. . .
The 8.8 km long and 14 meters wide urban roads project in Nili city, the capital of Daikundi province, is underway and has reached 73% of physical progress, so far.
According to the. . .