
Sat, Mar 18 2023 11:07 AM

کار پاک کاری پلچک های مسدود شده از اثر مواد رسوبی در ساحه پایموری مربوط مسیر شاهراه بامیان – میدان شهر؛ توسط پرسونل و ماشینری  ریاست فواید عامه ولایت بامیان جریان دارد.


1 year 2 months ago


Latest news

Tue, Jul 27 2021 1:35 PM
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Maintenance of 6.98 km part of Kabul-Kandahar highway completed

Zabul: Ministry of Public Works announced the periodic maintenance and rebuilding of a 6.98-kilometer long road in the Shajoi district of Zabul province, which is a part of the Kabul. . .

Tue, Jul 27 2021 1:09 PM
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Daikundi: The urban roads of Nili City reach 73% progress

The 8.8 km long and 14 meters wide urban roads project in Nili city, the capital of Daikundi province, is underway and has reached 73% of physical progress, so far.

According to the. . .