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(Consulting Services – Firms Selection)

Country:  Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan

Project:    Trans-Hindukush Road Connectivity Project (THRCP)

Project ID: P145347

Grant No: D093-AF

PP Ref. No.: AF-MOPW-194851-CS-CQS

Assignment Title:  Consultancy services to Prevent and respond to Gender-Based Violence (GBV),including Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) and Sexual Harassment (SH)

Reference No.: AF-MOPW-194851-CS-CQS

Date of Issuance:          February  17, 2021                 

Date of closing:           March 3, 2021

  1. The Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan (GoA) has obtained funding from the World Bank (IDA Grant) for a seven-year Program for improving the road connectivity across the Hindukush mountain range north of Kabul. The project has a total estimated cost of US$ 150 million, most of which are to be spent on civil works for the construction of the Baghlan to Bamyan (B2B) road and for the rehabilitation of the Salang pass road and the Salang Tunnel, and for the supervision of works for the same roads.
  2. The project development objective is improved road transport connectivity across the Hindukush mountain range.The means to achieve this objective are (i) to rehabilitate the Salang Pass and to develop the Baghlan to Bamiyan (B2B) road to become a viable alternative to the Salang Pass, and (ii) to establish suitable arrangements for the management, maintenance and operation of those two roads.

The Government of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, through the Ministry of Public Works (MOPW) wishes to engage a qualified consulting firm to support the THRCP in GBV risk prevention, mitigation, and response, including SEA and SH, linked to implementation operations


Note: For more information download the PDF file.



1 year 3 months ago


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