Afghanistan’s Ring Road; the first section of Qaisar-Lamaan road reaches 72 % progress

Anonymous (not verified)
یکشنبه ۱۴۰۰/۴/۱۳ - ۱۳:۰
Afghanistan’s Ring Road; the first section of Qaisar-Lamaan road reaches 72 % progress

The first section of the 233-kilometer long Qaisar-Laman road project, which is the completing section of Afghanistan’s National Ring Road, has reached 72.6 percent of physical progress, so far.

According to the Ministry of Public Works, the first part of this project has a total length of 34 kilometers, which begins from the Lamaan valley and ends near Qala-e-Naw, the capital city of Badghis province.

Overall, the Qaisar-Lamaan road project with a total length of 233 kilometers, starts in Badghis province and ends in Faryab province, which is being divided into two sections. 

The first section of this project has a 34-kilometer length and 10 meters width that included eight bridges, 105 culverts, and some 11,963 meters of retaining and protective walls.

It worth mentioning, this project has been contracted with a private construction company for more than $ 36 million, which was funded by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

The Qaisar-Lamaan ring road project is one of the most important transit projects that connect the Northern provinces to the west and southwest of the country.

From the commercial and economical point of view, the completion of this project will strongly spring up Afghanistan's national revenue that is being generated from the transit and commerce sector.

This ring-road will not only connect entire Afghanistan, but as a transit hub, this will also realize the initiative of regional connectivity between Central & South Asia. 

MoPW Media Team - Kabul

1 year 6 months ago


تازه ترین اخبار

دوشنبه ۱۴۰۳/۹/۱۲ - ۱۱:۵۵
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