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Tue, Jul 06 2021 2:18 PM
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Construction of 19 km of Silk Road in Samangan province is underway

The first section of Silk Road from Dara-e-Zendan valley to downtown Aibak, which had previously been constructed; but the remaining 19-kilometer stretch from Khorram and Sarbagh. . .

Tue, Jul 06 2021 1:51 PM
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Bamyan: Construction of a 7 km of gravel road is 50% complete

This 7.38-kilometer-long gravel road project including its related structures, which extends from the main provincial road of Bamyan into the villages of Ekhtiaran and Kaj Shiberto, has. . .

Mon, Jul 05 2021 1:39 PM
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Baghlan: Construction of a bridge in Kandahari village is 70% complete

In the central Baghlan district of Baghlan province, a 68-meter-long RCC Bridge is under construction along with a one-kilometer gravel road, which has been located in the sugar-mill. . .

Sun, Jul 04 2021 5:21 PM
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Kabul: Construction of a 2.37 km-long road in the 17th region has 52% progress

This road project with a length of 2.37 km, which is being constructed in the “Peace Residential Town”, located in the 17th Nahia (region) of Kabul city, reached almost 52% of physical. . .

Sun, Jul 04 2021 4:36 PM
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Paktia: Construction of 4.5 km of road in Sidak Karam district hits 60% progress

Construction of a 4.5 km long concrete road with its belonging structures in Muchalgho village of Sayed Karam district of Paktia province, has reached 60% physical work progress so far.. . .

Sun, Jul 04 2021 1:00 PM
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Afghanistan’s Ring Road; the first section of Qaisar-Lamaan road reaches 72 % progress

The first section of the 233-kilometer long Qaisar-Laman road project, which is the completing section of Afghanistan’s National Ring Road, has reached 72.6 percent of physical progress. . .

Sat, Jul 03 2021 5:30 PM
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An 11-Km long road project in Guzara district of Herat reaches 47% work progress

Herat: The construction of the 11-km long asphalt road from "Dokan-e-Abul" to the “Prozha-e-Cement” area in the Gozara district of Herat province, has achieved its 47% progress, so far.. . .

Sat, Jul 03 2021 4:58 PM
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Kapisa: Construction of a concrete road has 50% work progress

Construction of a 1.41kilometer long concrete road that starts from Sarband Pa'in village to Sarband Bala village of Kapisa, has reached 50% of work progress.

This project was. . .

Sat, Jul 03 2021 10:56 AM
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Logar: Technical survey of internal roads of Pol-e Alam city has started

After the residents of Pol-e-Alam, the capital of Logar province, complained about the destruction of roads in the city; the Ministry of Public Works decided to start the survey and the. . .



1 year 1 month ago
